
“Never quit or give
up… your next effort may
be the one that turns failure into victory.”

“Truly… even when there is a good constitution, in the hands of a dictator, skewed interpretation can cause human insecurity. Constitution benefits depend on who is wielding it” – The African Executive

The attitude of the wise men of old was one of worship, to find the new born King and worship Him, that was the agenda. Though they were rich and seemingly important people they were humble and genuinely wanted to worship the new born King! That is the same attitude we need to embrace, that we may decrease and He may increase, like John the Baptist declared…

“He must become greater; I must become less.” – John 3:30

Elon Musk, speaking at the World Government Summit: “I think ultimately we will have to have some kind of universal basic income… I think it’s going to be necessary.”

“There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better… The much harder  challenge is, how do people then have meaning? Like a lot of people, they derive the meaning from their employment. So if you’re not needed, if there’s not a need for your labour, what’s the meaning? Do you have meaning? Do you feel useless?”  

            I submit that NETWORK MARKETING is an old industry in the world which has given birth to many billionaires. It is a fairly new industry  in Kenya and so, there is need for exploration and exposure. Allow me to share a link that will open the door for you to become an affiliate or a customer, able to build up residual income ( generate income even when you’re asleep), as you and loved ones use high quality  products regularly.                                                    

Ultimately, we all need Power from on high to share Christ boldly! Otherwise we remain just another stock on the shelf. See, the disciples of old…

“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” – Acts 4:31

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