
Gospel music is great, but it is no substitute for Gospel preaching!

Whatever the Lord blesses you with, it is only proper to give back to Him, at least 10%, He will always be with you and you will never walk alone…

“Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;” – Proverbs 3:9

It was Sir Winston Churchill who said “Responsibility is the price of greatness!” God sees you as a mighty man/ woman of valor! That’s because He can see the potential that He put in you when He created you. Opportunities come our way, often simply as a link that would lead you to use your time, to engage your talent. This will consequently lead to a treasure. Here is a legit link that could be shared to the youth being misled to expect receiving dollars by simply pressing on the keyboard:              Sad thing is that many people go to the grave with that potential still unexploited,  because it’s guarded with some of the best excuses available. On the contrary you should…

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. ” – 1 Corinthians 16:13

However, meekness must come from Christ. Think about Him being all powerful and strong yet He describes Himself as gentle and humble in heart. A meek person is one who will consider others as better than him/herself, one who has no ounce of pride in them. A meek person is one who is fully reliant on God and they put no emphasis on their own strength. Like Jesus they would say they only do what they see the Father do and “not my will but Thy will be done Lord!” Are you?

“Blessed are the gentle,for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5

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